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NMF Kamermuziekfestival

  • Fort Nieuwersluis Rijksstraatweg Nieuwersluis, UT Netherlands (map)

Recital with Artem Belogurov, fortepiano. Fortepiano by Zahler, ca.1805. Tickets €17,50/€20.

Ludwig van Beethoven - Sonate for fortepiano and cello in F, Op.5 no.1

Beethoven - 12 variations in G on a theme from Judas Maccabeus

Johann Gottfried Pratsch - Grande sonate pour le pianoforte et le violoncelle, Op.6

For more information, visit

Earlier Event: October 6
NMF Kamermuziekfestival
Later Event: October 7
Jagthuis Pianoforteweekend