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Spielerei Piano Trio @ Kasteelconcerten

  • Havezate Schoonheten Schoonhetenseweg 56 Heeten (map)

Vienna: De muzikale magneet

Het geniale begin van een nieuw genre, virtuoos en meeslepend, dankzij de nieuwste piano’s

This concert will be performed twice to a reduced audience, due to the current health regulations. The first performance will take place at 13:30, and the second at 16:00

Spielerei Piano Trio

Augusta McKay Lodge - viool
Octavie Dostaler-Lalonde - cello

Artem Belogurov - fortepiano

Beethoven: Pianotrio in c Op 1 nr 3
Haydn: Pianotrio in C Hob. XV:27

Earlier Event: May 9
Postscript @ Wormerweer
Later Event: August 11
Bach intime - Ensemble Masques